
Strength to fight!

2021/10/16 17:18:07


Fire and smoke fill the air after an explosion at the production area of a salt chemical enterprise in Huai 'an, Jiangsu province, on the morning of Oct 14, 2021. After receiving the alarm, Jiangsu Fire and Rescue Corps and Xuzhou fire and rescue detachment rushed to the rescue, and sent four fire robots installed by our company to participate in the disposal. In accordance with the rescue instructions, 4 fire robots from Xuzhou base of Kaicheng were dispatched to the scene as reinforcements.




▲ Fire fighting robots go deep into the hinterland of the fire




▲ Fire robots continue to fight

After more than 20 hours of intense rescue, the fire was successfully extinguished with the joint efforts of the firefighting robot and the rescue forces of all parties.

In this rescue operation, the fire robot demonstrated its mobility and practicability in dealing with large-scale hazardous chemical accidents. The participation of fire fighting robots plays a vital role in solving the problem of fire fighting in hazardous chemical enterprises and improving the emergency rescue ability of fire teams.


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